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![]() simple girl with busy life.. Talk to me ♥ My Friends(=
Angele Neo Dsk Jewelry! Goh Mei Hui Jassica Cheah Noel Choong Past Memories:
April 2008
May 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Friday, April 29, 2011
What's Wrong
JIA YOU! Finally after 3 days of study is like damn tired can! Tomorrow work, war think i can faint after carrying on like this, i'll die los! Seriously hope i can faster and get over with it,Exams coming!!! POA i just don't get it, teacher ask us draw all the lines, by the time i draw finish, he teach finish already. Gosh i just can't keep up with his speed, his really teaching damn fast, and i think i can't make it at all los. AFTER PART TIME Actually din really think so far, but thought that i would continue study, just heard from classmates say that we can't progress to full time, poly student even, we get very good results, most likely will be continue part-time again. And i'm really sick of this par-time life style sigh! Guess i'll just have to carry on. RIDICULOUS Daddy say that i'm giving a sulk face when i'm angry, who don't give a angry face when they are angry? He's been making a scene due to this matter, ever since at Penang. Now even my face also want to control! Seriously, so next time when i'm angry or sad think i just give a smile? No matter how long it takes, i believe i can make it, if i don't give up, am just trying the other way out. Jasmine Cheah
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Finally Getting Better
MORNING-AFTERNOON STAY AT HOME, EVENING STUDY Woke up in the late morning, with di at home, dad bring us food for our BRUNCH! lately di was kinda fall sick, saw him today was at least better (= today got progress test, but i din study at all, i just dont wanna bother. Reached lrt switching to teck whye, that kanasai lrt breakdown ask me wait there for 20 mins, after awhile say wont be working at all, luckily i met lisa there she bring me go school, if not i sure late again. Had lollipop during class, teacher give me the no hope face? Don't even wanna think about the exams los! OVERCOMING IS EASY, BUT MAINTAINING IS DIFFICULT Back to normal mentally, but i need a break physically! Guess this time thanks to music once again, going thru with me, I've got no time to keep thinking of this kinda things, so gonna get it over fast, is no longer affecting. Bridges form was due to [Too Close To Comfort] I just like to stay like this forever, hoping it was just beyond possible. Jasmine Cheah Loves.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Hanging, Struggling
If there's a view that i can see like this, i'll be sitting there till then. RUSHING MORNING, BORING WORKING DAY Gosh morning went to 3 destination,[unknown Chinese restaurant, lao lim mee pok, prawn noodle] for morning breakfast, but all were closed, luckily me and daddy manage to eat at the 4th destination.[Duck Rice, damn nice!] i'm almost late for my work today, thanks to all the closed shop, but lucky daddy fetch me all the way to work. Reached work place, boring as ever, can smack mosquito there, luckily got stock to entertain, but only for half day, ending reached home manager ask how come today sales so bad? say is area manager ask de. wapiang ask him own self come down see lar, is not only our shop what, promotion not inviting enough, then having atrium sales, and is a Monday no freaking much customer, please tell me how? kanasai! Call and stress people only, we know that's your job but some times also must see how's the condition mar.. then kanasai whole day serving all these fucked up customer, think we want all this meh? Everybody working under 1 company, why make people life difficult? SERIOUSLY. WAY BACK HOME Was on board alone at 112 bus then when i press bell to stop at my bus stop, that bloody bus driver ignore my door bell and went ahead to the next bus stop, i pressed again he din stop and i went ahead to faced up with the bus driver, [hey! 'i touched his arm'] then suddenly he stopped that bloody bus. Another fucked up bus driver! SHOCKING NEWS, STRESSING MENTALLY Exams coming next week i just attended a class nia! also don't know what to study, is like SHIT can, attend 2 of your classes expect us to go for progress test, stress like shit can! [Business Environment] After this progress test the following week will be POA [Principle of Account] Mid year course exam, i don't even wanna think about it. Where my beach!? Stress like nobody business. Jasmine Cheah It Was Meant To Be, Suppose To Be, But I Lost It.
Monday, April 25, 2011
DAMN TIRED! Omg! 1 more day of work to go, arrr damn really tired whether physically or mentally, wanna thanks shikin for my dinner [kway teow with hotdogs!] from her mum, it was nice (= Saw Gabriel and Jermaine bought Strawberry lollipop. Shikin also bought for me Willy Wonka candy from Paper Market. Tomorrow is gonna be a Monday Blues... in the shop sure super sian de los. Think i'm gonna collapse tomorrow, after this 4th days of chiong work will be carried on with 3 days of study arrr i don't even want to think about it. [Wanna thanks those small messages, gift, candies and people for pushing me recently, you guys really brighten me alot, i appreciate it.] EXAMS POA [Principle of Account] May 26 omg can someone really help me with it think i can't catch up with it, i'm really happy this term only got little group project. BEV [Business Environment] further notice but need to a report, by august, seems like far away but i'm sure it's gonna be a rush last min hand out. [I want to be stronger] Jasmine overcoming limit.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Working like mad, studying like a robot.
RECENTLY I worked like shit, as for this few weeks i'll be working for 4 days and study for 3 days and adding them together makes 1 week!, it's gonna continue till the end of this month. GOSH! Tomorrow think i wont have my free breakfast =( gonna make my own breakfast thought of cooking pasta with campbell's soup, is it gonna taste nice? i donno, gonna try it out tomorrow. Have been missing out fun lately, omg i can't wait to have fun with my friends, guess i'll need to wait for this month to end soon (= Had salad for my dinner and now i'm like hungry like DAH!! MESHI! fainting! anyway gonna watch my show now good night(= NOT MEANT TO BE READ Hope music can soothe me and go thru with me this again, i'm trying not to think anymore, but i just can't help it. Guess i din went forward at all? i was still the crybaby back then. jasmine cheah.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Finally school starts!
PENANG TRIP Woots just came back from Penang the weather there was super hot! even my mum got sunburn for just going up on the temple. but it was a fun trip, at least better then the last trip we went, we found alot of good food had durian, we played [Jet Ski] that was the best! and Shopping, so regret that i din bought that Mango Bag )= i thought the price difference was not much but it was so big! GOSH! [PICTURES WILL BE UPLOAD LATER] BACK TO SINGAPORE RECENTLY After skipping for a week lessons, finally yesterday was my 1st class, the best thing was i was late! hais like a ,sian los my classmates a lot of new faces, also dont know how to make friends with them, i'm so damn sick and tired of making new friends, every new semester hais is like shit lar! can you imagine you new faces every new semester, and it's not those kind of 2 or 3 new faces is like more then half a class new faces, the feeling is like kanasai lar! sian plus sian plus sian can! later still got class too, i'm so glad this term not so much group project, if not i also 'hin' [meaning: faint]. POA [principle of account] hope i can really get good results, last semester i din get good result it pulled my grades so low, hope this semester i could pulled up! (= jia you! jasmine (=
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Can't Balance.
TODAY Just came back from a whole day of work, was slacking and laughing all the way, Plaza Sin Body Shop girls are going for a lady's night to club, next month can't wait for it. it'll be my first time there, hehes, excited, and before that think we are going for a bicycle trip with them too. But all will be at next month, due to my busy schedule for this week, think i'll be missing a lot of things this month from my friends. THOUGHTS Hope i can really balance some of my time, so that i can spend time with all of my friends, hope i won't be kick out soon, )=. She found it! felt happy for her, when will it be my turn? Think must jia you it's getting worst! Bucking up on my it, hope by next month i could get a capo, my English song book, and my tuner! Hais everybody start school le, i next week then start school, sian, hope i won't be missing a bunch of important things, hope i could get good results this term? I wanna go to the beach! hmm.... shall i? Jasmine things are pilling up again, this days!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Boring day.
TODAY Stay at home and slack whole day with my laptop, daddy bought lunch for me, it's been a while since he bought lunch for me, but was happy, then continue to watch my show, brother came back from school, left house within 15 mins, mei mei came home within a min, and left home within 15 mins, with a basketball, after a while daddy left home with chores for me to do, alone at home. People left home and came back, since when this house became like this? my work place was my second home, every time back from work, they are asleep i went out to work, nobody's at home, sometimes can't even have a 10 min conversation for 2 days. Hope things are getting better soon. [i'm sure it will]. Thought today i off could at least spend time with family but think, it's not possible, hais after today i'm gonna work all the way. COMING SOON. Going to Penang soon! counting down, hahas.. excited but again, brother not going with us due to his preliminary exam, hope we can really enjoyed, i worked so damn hard this days, and i'm gonna work hard to carry on my life, really hope after the rain there will always be a rainbow, but sometimes sadly, it always don't worked for me guess i'll have to continue to worked hard till, i get my own satisfied rainbow (= Jasmine my lonely off day.
Friday, April 08, 2011
Too many Too lazy!
It's been a while people~.
recently too much to post, am just busy! (= Had starbucks with Janice after work talk alot and stuff! Out with stephanie! When shopping with mei mei! After craving mee pok for month finally i get to eat it! thanks to daddy! but i still cant get enough of it! Teo jia! outing finally got to eat sakae together le! was quite, surprised to see angele at bugis that day! OTHER THEN THAT! i'm seriously working like shit! finally my bag arrived thanks lay chang for the bag! and seriously i'm gonna control my diet soon, having severe headache recently. going to the beach with stephanie, fiqah, felicia, shikin and 2 kids! picnic damn looking forward! erm hope can meet up with janice soon! and others! it's 2.45 now! waking up tomorrow for gonna wake up extremely early, so going lala land soon~ catch up soon XD jasmine loves i w