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![]() simple girl with busy life.. Talk to me ♥ My Friends(=
Angele Neo Dsk Jewelry! Goh Mei Hui Jassica Cheah Noel Choong Past Memories:
April 2008
May 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
A Day At Siloso Beach
SENTOSA! [28 OF MARCH 2011] Hey it's been a while! Recently went to beach had fun, with Angele, Gek chin, Jermaine, Gabriel and Shaun, we met up in the morning with Angele, Shaun and Gek chin, bought lunch, snacks and stuff, reached VIVO rush for sunblock and bought a towel, comb for angele, and headed straight to the beach, we fill up out tummies and took DAMN LOTS of pictures till Gabriel and Jermaine came, while waiting for them to settle down, i invented a game [How pro am i?] there after all of us join in the game it was hilarious and tired, took a break and continue, NG'S are everywhere haha! and then after a while, splash everywhere, this time round we manage to get Gabriel wet finally. Went sun tanning but there was no sun ~.~!, walked around then notice alot of fishes in the sea! Gosh and we were playing like nobody business a moment ago! Pictures, can't believe we took 9XX plus pictures for the whole day! 85% was thanks to me. oops! Erm evening came, time to say goodbye to the beach, we packed up and headed back to VIVO met up with Mei hui and Suhailah, for dinner [so so only!] kind of disappointed after that headed straight home. [29 OF MARCH 2011] Woke up early had a damn full breakfast with daddy, it's my treat, and headed to work, went to centrepoint to pick up stock, when i reached there they pass me 3 bottle of hair serum i looked them and like: is this all? damn ask me to go all the way there to take 3 hair serum nice 1 lar, haha and then worked whole day, customer was nice, 1 of them even ask me for my name was happy! after work met up with mei mei and actually wanted to repair her phone in the end, it was closed, so went to carrefour for a small shopping spend 40 plus on 2 FBT shorts and toothpaste (= headed home had my dinner. [Neck was terrible )= ] TOMORROW [30 OF MARCH 2011] Wake up in the morning and meet with Madeline [PTS] for steamboat and afternoon with Stephanie, for movie. EXTRA -Neck was hurting till i got to wake up at 3am for PANADOL EXTRA and 5AM for PANAFLEX unbearable almost going crazy. -That thing came back and i'm scared! -It told my Lao Ban Niang i start school at 18, then i notice i actually start school at 12? omg! - Hope by next week i can owned my Camera (= Jasmine loves Confused~
Friday, March 25, 2011
The Fooled
24 March 2011 (Thursday) Slept late[4plus?], woke up early [9am] Prepare and headed to swim, my arms are aching, but i knew that my emotions got better. After swim, headed to Grandma's house, visit [e.t.c], supposedly i'm meeting angele for breakfast but she canceled )= too bad next time bar (=. So reached home and change, headed straight to work, surprised Shara is working today, cause she's not on the schedule today, but am happy to see her, she never fail to lighten up my day at work, afternoon stock came, SIAN! and the worst thing, me and stephanie din get the chance to go break together cause not enough staff, although it's understandable but still sad, sales din go well for me either, i was the last but at least after break it was a bit better, straight home after work. [Not meant to be read] Reached home after settling down, i sat down infront of my com, went on facebook saw something that i din wished to see, noticed i was the fool and thought you were different from others, YES you were different from others! you managed to bluffed me for do freaking long. Never mind as i thought trust are meant to be broken, people are born to be cheated, and me was learn not to trust others easily, i told you that i can't you gave me hope and you left me, what shit is this? i hate the feeling, made me feel that you can be trusted but went off without a word. The more i'm happy the more i feared, i fear that this feeling might be ending soon and never come back. ss,ak,k and you? categorized. SIGH!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Happy , Fun, Sad, Crazy and Steamboat Marathon!
Monday Had a random gathering held at bugis steamboat it was so last min! with Angele, Gabriel, Jermaine, Shaun. took damn lots of photos.. they complained after that hahas! but it was fun! Pictures are below: Tuesday Working 2 to close was quite happy in the morning due to new songs got imported in my phone, but the moment i went out of house, happily wanted to played my songs then i noticed they were all gone! It freaked me out at first, then i noticed my photos and some stuff were missing too.. SAD! during break went to sumsung customer service at Dhoby Ghaut for a check hoping that i could retrieved somethings ~.~ but it was a total dissapointment! went back later then i know Janice came to find me, after work went to chill with her at starbucks! talk alot and i miss her(= om my way back, took 112 bus home this bus driver was greeting me i felt happy, he even waved goodbye to me when i get down from bus, as i was the only passenger in the bus, was kind of happy with the service anyway he kinda of light my evening (= Pictures are below: Wednesday (Today) Metup with Stephanie and fiqah, i was late ~.~! Went for Kbox we did enjoyed, we were like crazy but it was damn freaking fun. then all of us were tired, so we decided to settle down for dinner at Bugis Steamboat, it's my 2nd round already, gosh! erm but we really did enjoyed really much, shop around me and stephanie bought a perfume, and it's like [since when i started using perfume?] okay anyway headed home after that. Pictures are below: Anyway this are just some of the pictures not all were posted! if i were to post all the pictures it will be 200 plus pictures for the past few days! so NEH!!! hahas Thursday (Tomorrow) Wake up damn early tomorrow for a swim, after that maybe will be meeting angele for breakfast and will be heading to work, working 2 to close )= jia you! Soon! Meeting Pts (Madeline) soon for steamboat again gosh after this who call me eat steamboat again i will CRY! it's damn late i better go to sleep if not i cant wake up for tomorrow swim and no energy for work! Heading to the beach soon! jasmine occupied!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
To my friends: I'm stuck with my busy days, anyway it's been a while, recently i got flooded by my schedule, sorry friends please be patience with me, i hope that you guys could.(= Selfish thinking people I'm going to Penang on April OMG! everyday i'm like counting down and i can't wait, i'm like when is it coming??? but i'm kinda of worried, cause of the japanese tsunami and nuclear plant stuff. it's been going on seriously quite long this days. Someone asked me this questions, afew days a go, if you've been given a chance to go to japan to help out will you? without hesitation i answered: yes. That person gave me a wierd face and told me, if it's her, she won't help out, i asked her why? she say think back, during the past time, what had happen? [i knew she's talking about the world war thing] but i told her: that was the past already, if you were to keep living on to the past nonthing goes on. why not think about those people that's being suffered? not only adults but kids too. why not put yourself in their shoes? they did nonthing wrong, do they deserve this? NO! So stop thinking about past, this is self-centered thinking, [put in a simpler form selfish] put your heart with thinking and think more about other people. you'll live more happily trust me. Do you agree with me or the lady? Advise not to read.(= It's annoying, how people keep pulling you down, when you thought you had done right, no matter how wierd my dreams, skills, passion is, i like to do the things i wanted, i'm not saying that you can't comment, but at least give encouragements, i'm not gonna be specific about who is it? but in a range, i just can't stand it, with people keep commenting and stuff, it's irritating. When you comment people's life you are happy, you left a deep impression on people, you hurt people, you pull them down, you give them no motivation to carry on, what did you gain? Answer: More Haters. Stop coming out to the community and add in more pollution to the environment. This goes out to people who like to comment on other people life, please do us or yourself a favour just quietly shut your mouth before you start gaining more haters. Jasmine, gonna keep on living even thou she knew one day it's still gonna be a ending.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Exams finally over!
OMG! finally after so many hard working days! my WRB should be no problem, but HRA )=, really hope to pass los.... i kind of really study to the max for the pass 1 week. it's not the best, but it's the max that i can do for 1 week.. Past few days, places for studying i went: Pasir Ris beach, Mac, My house, Changi Airport, Yishun, Chua Chu Kang.. think thats the places i can remember... TON, TON, TON.. sleepless night, cold morning, is suffering! just for the exams, really hope i can pass for both, not hoping for high marks but pass. Next module: POA & Business Environment heard is the worst module in this course. jia you jia you! YESTERDAY woke up morning, hop in dad's car then cab to school we were stuck in a DAMN heavy traffic jam! from 7 to 8.25 gosh!!!! we thought i was gonna be late but just in time! lucky me... hahas.. when i reach school then i notice i'm not the last, there are other got caught in that traffic jam too.. reach class.. whpeuuu....like a finally ar.. then after exams small gathering with Mr hirman and Mr alex... it was memorable.. . after gathering headed to town... then after that.. to dhoby ghaut and watch movie with gab and co... the show was speechless for me... THIS MORNING Got woke up by Ah Kit although it's irritating but i miss it! it's been soooo long since, we meet each other.. he bought breakfast for me, talk alot.. play and fight alot toolaughs! miss the days when we were young.. then afternoon around 3 plus he went off.. mei come back bought fries for me thanks! mei^^ gonna slack whole day to get ready for work tomorrow! Jasmine Cheah is glad^^
Friday, March 04, 2011
Nonthing goes in
Whole day studying but nonthing goes in! how??? i wanna get high marks even now i'm still studying it's already 3am in the morning! hais but studying alone it's very stressing.. dont know can survive tomorrow tonning at margaret house a not? hope so.. this morning woke up, went for breakfast and i'm stuck at my room for studying whole day then, went to school in the evening, kind of sad, cause it's the last day of the class. then came back thanks daddy for fetching me... back home had some yong tao foo, and continue studying again.... really hope i can pass this exam.. i dont wanna lose hope. and dissapoint the others that cares. so jia you jasmine work harder.(= 44 omg! how can?
Thursday, March 03, 2011
Last Day Of Class.
Finally today classes will be over after a few hours. and i'ts our last class, it will be followed by 2 exams and this 2 module will be over soon, but after this 2 module ended it's also the start of another 2 modules, i heard it was Business Environment and Principle Of Account. It will be tough but i'll try. another 2 more years jia you oh. jasmine. hahas. whole afternoon was studying, then tonight will be having class. tomorrow night will be tonning at margaret house to study hope it will be fun. hahas. whatever jia you jia you.. currently waiting for my hair to dry so that i can prepare and go school. jasmine cheah, a few more days to go.
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Yesterday after visiting grandma house, headed to NEX mall, and walk around after that went home prepare, gonna cut short! yesterday is full of cab! i took cab like so random and nobody business, anyway me and angele ended studying at my house, morning mac breakfast, went to sleep after a few hours woke up daddy brought us to Nasi Briyani(= nice like shit and full like shit okaies! send angele home and went home. Prepare a while went for school, Mr Herman has been nagging me since the start of the lesson! Mr Herman: Jasmine class start at 6.45, you reach at 8? Jasmine: aiya cher i just come in class only don't nag lar! Mr Herman: You every time look so tired when you come for classes, ok let's start our mock exam. Jasmine: huh? today got mock exam ar? i dont know? Class: LAUGHS! After mock exam teacher go thru paper. Mr Herman: Jasmine messaging with your boyfriend is it? Jasmine: Cher dont like that lar, i got study lei! Mr Herman: you study or messaging. Jasmine: answer phone Hello! Mr Herman: Sian! Class: LAUGHS! After Class Mr Herman send me back to punggol so good of him! ( = during the car trip keep singing and nagging! but never mind got car trip very good le dont complain! laughs! back to hougang eat and back home! lately i've been eating a lot, and is really ALOT! i'm putting on weight again must try try try to control le! A few more days to exams! i'm really scared. tomorrow going study with angele and a guy thet i dont know de... hope it would good! ( = Jasmine trying(= idontwannagetthefeelingagain! eversinceistartedstudyingthefeelingcamebackagain. |